“Everyone should have access to support that is truly affirming.”
— Naureen Hunani, Dietitian I Speaker I Mom I Activist
Meet the founder
Hi there,
I’m Naureen, founder of RDs for Neurodiversity and a neurodivergent registered dietitian with 18 years of experience. In my private practice, I treat children and families struggling with a variety of feeding challenges through a trauma-informed, weight-inclusive and anti-oppressive approach. I have extensive experience working with neurodivergent people and have had the privilege of sharing my knowledge and expertise at national and international conferences. I have also had the honour of developing courses and training for healthcare professionals, teachers, and therapists.
Food brought me here
Food has always been a huge part of my life. I come from a family that celebrates food. But my views around food and eating changed the day I encountered eating difficulties with my children. As a neurodivergent adult and the mother of two neurodivergent children, I have had to learn how to navigate our differences in a cultural construct that values and caters to the neurotypical individual and family. Very few professionals have been able to affirm our identities as humans.
My goals and beliefs
Not being listened to and feeling disempowered by the very professionals who were trained to help frustrated me enough to set me on this path of work. My goal is to create a community of dietitians and professionals who will work together to improve the lives of neurodivergent people. We will do it through anti-oppressive work and by challenging the status quo, racism, and bias when it comes to body size and brain diversity. I truly believe that everyone should have access to support with dietitians and professionals who are truly affirming.