Embracing Neurodiversity and Weight-Inclusivity: Creating Supportive & Inclusive Practices

Discover how to support neurodivergent clients with eating challenges by offering care that harmonizes with their neurodivergence!

Supporting neurodivergent individuals requires a specialized skill set. It requires unlearning many ableist beliefs around neuronormative ideals around eating and how to exist in a body. While you might feel confident offering weight-inclusive care to clients who identify as being neurotypical, you might be questioning your approach and modalities used in anti-diet spaces and wondering if and how they apply to neurodivergent people, especially folks with decreased interoceptive awareness, people with feeding and sensory differences and folks with executive functioning differences.

Date: September 10th & 17th from 12:00-2:00 pm Eastern Time

Facilitator: Naureen Hunani, RD

Live Sessions: All sessions are delivered live

Recording: Available for sixty days after the course

Duration: 2x2-hour training sessions (4 CPEUs in total)

We Want To Help You Feel Confident In Supporting Your Neurodivergent Clients So You Can Grow Your Practice!

About the instructor

Naureen Hunani is a multiply neurodivergent dietitian with over 18 years of clinical experience and the founder of RDs for Neurodiversity. She has a private practice in Montreal, Canada where she supports neurodivergent people of all ages struggling with feeding and eating challenges, including ARFID. Naureen has a particular interest in the intersection of neurodivergence and feeding differences. She is a supporter of early diagnosis of feeding differences and advocates for inclusion and acceptance. She has had the privilege to share her knowledge and expertise at national and international conferences.

In November 2023, she received the Nothing About Us Without Us Award from the Autistic Self Advocacy Network. Naureen is passionate about supporting pro-justice, HAES®-aligned professionals striving to build liberatory practices.

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